Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
28 Garrett Ave. Suite 100
Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010 USA
ACEP Main Phone: 619-861-2237
ACEP EFT Questions: 484-380-2448
Skype: leslie.acep
Fax: 484-418-1019
Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP, Executive Director
Leslie Primavera, Office Manager/Certification Coordinator
Phone: 619-861-2237
Cynthia Joba, Director, Outreach & Communications
Susan Carney, Admin Assistant/CE Coordinator
Phone: 484-380-2448
Our Resources for Resilience has free, self-help videos and downloadable instructions in English, Spanish and Portuguese that can help you reduce stress and restore calm.
Get help with your challenges
Over the past 30 years, millions of people throughout the world have used energy psychology to assist them with a wide range of life challenges. In many cases these methods have provided relief and healing when other approaches have failed.
Plus, energy psychology methods can work quickly and gently.
Energy psychology can help you
"I can't imagine where I would be without energy therapy. When I was in the blackest moment of my life, these energy therapies opened whole new doorways to freedom that I could never have had otherwise. They literally saved my life."
L.B. / Oregon
"I overcame my fear of public speaking almost instantly. I wanted to thank you for exposing me to this unorthodox, but in my case very effective, form of therapy. It's definitely going to change my life and open up more opportunities for me than I can possibly imagine. In fact, it already has."
G. / Illinois
Energy psychology (EP) comprises a family of methods designed to improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. These approaches are used by practitioners of psychotherapy, counseling, coaching, energy healing, and health optimization.
EP methods focus on your thoughts, feelings and emotions while you activate some aspect of the bio-energy system of the body. This usually involves tapping or touching certain places on your body, such as meridian points or chakras. This calms the body, clearing stress and trauma that are held there. The result? It's easier to move on and break through to a more expansive experience of life.
The most common examples of energy psychology methods are:
“Tapping” Methods: such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
Chakra Methods: such as Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) or Heart Assisted Therapy (HAT)
Combination methods: such as Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CEP)
Most EP approaches are gentle and do not require that you relive traumatic memories. In addition, you will often learn self-help methods you can use on your own. EP approaches can rapidly help people reduce strong painful emotions, process traumatic events, shift limiting beliefs and live with greater love.
You can use some energy psychology techniques by yourself and it can also be part of your work with a therapist, coach or other trained professional.
Energy psychology is very effective as emotional first aid - if you experience a shock or stressful experience. Otherwise, using it on your own makes most sense when your problem is fairly simple, there’s no urgency and your life is generally going well.
In either situation, give it a try, and if you achieve the results you want, fantastic! If you are not able to resolve your problem on your own, you should consider working with a skilled professional. While these approaches are often relatively simple, skilled professionals know how to maximize the benefits of energy psychology methods far beyond what you can do on your own.
"There has been a growing curiosity in psychological practice about non-western methods of dealing with disturbances within the human organism. Not based on Western rationalism, these methods do not rely on insight and understanding, but on shifting internal states of bodily experience. Energy psychology techniques and procedures can bring about remarkably rapid changes in the way people feel and move through the world."
Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, MD, Medical Director, The Trauma Center, Brookline, MA
Professor of Psychiatry, Boson University School of Medicine
ACEP member Greg Warburton, a mental health counselor and advisor, uses Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and other energy psychology methods with athletes to improve mental/emotional self-management and performance. In 2012, he worked with University of Arizona pitcher Konner Wade. Wade was struggling early in the season, and then he gradually improved while working with Warburton. He finished the season with four straight wins, including two complete games in the College World Series. Wade improved so much that one newspaper said his end of the season success "nearly defies expectation.”
A professional can help you identify blocks and resistances to healing and growth of which you are unaware and which may not even make rational sense to you.
While unconscious blocks may not make complete sense to the conscious mind, they can have a huge impact on our lives. Energy psychology can rapidly resolve this type of limitation.
Energy psychology may be the most effective therapy to reprogram dysfunctional unconscious beliefs
"Energy psychology involves super learning and may be the most effective therapy to reprogram dysfunctional unconscious beliefs that control life and biology."
- Bruce Lipton, PhD, author of The Biology of Belief
Two types of practitioners use energy psychology
ACEP supports both types of professionals. However, we strongly recommend that if you have a mental health problem, you should work with a mental health professional who is also well trained in energy psychology. If yours is a relationship problem, work with a relationship professional (mental health professionals, marriage educators, etc.) who is well trained in energy psychology. If you have a career, business or performance issue, seeking out a well-trained coach or energy health practitioner would be suitable. ACEP has ethical guidelines that all certified members must adhere to in their practice.
Local and state jurisdictions have their own regulations about what is considered ethical and legal. To be fully informed about what is required of practitioners in your area, we encourage you to check your local laws.
My chronic anxiety is gone
"These treatments neutralized/ eliminated the chronic anxiety that I have had throughout my adult life, and allowed me to recover an emotional clarity and simplicity of emotional experience that I possessed as a child. I consider this experience on the miraculous level - both the elimination of the anxiety and the cognitive experience."
- P.C. / Pennsylvania
ACEP members are located throughout the world. Use our database to find an energy psychology practitioner near you.
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Can’t find someone even after your search? Call our office at 619-861-2237 and someone will do their best to help you.
Over 125 peer-reviewed studies show the effectiveness of energy psychology in treating trauma, depression and… Explore the research
Energy psychology methods are more focused, goal oriented and active. They work with the body’s energy systems (e.g. meridians, chakras) to create a change in your experience.
The simplest answer? Energy psychology is safer and lasts longer than drug therapy. It has no side effects, no potential for addiction, and no periods of instability while you adjust to starting and ending treatment.
Eric Robbins, MD, talks about the effectiveness of TAT, an energy psychology method
Introduction to Tapping Points with Dr. Pat Carrington
Your financial support will help ACEP expand the use of energy psychology.
The result? More healing.
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. All rights reserved.
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