Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
28 Garrett Ave. Suite 100
Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010 USA
ACEP Main Phone: 619-861-2237
ACEP EFT Questions: 484-380-2448
Skype: leslie.acep
Fax: 484-418-1019
Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP, Executive Director
Leslie Primavera, Office Manager/Certification Coordinator
Phone: 619-861-2237
Cynthia Joba, Director, Outreach & Communications
Susan Carney, Admin Assistant/CE Coordinator
Phone: 484-380-2448
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While energy psychology as a field is still relatively young, its evidence base continues to grow in both quantity and quality.
As of March 2025...
have been published on energy psychology methods in English-speaking, peer-reviewed journals.
In addition, over 100 research studies have been published in non-English journals. These modalities have been researched by more than 200 investigators in over 12 countries.
The results of these studies have been published in more than 15 different peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease and the APA journals Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training and Review of General Psychology. While questions about mechanism remain - specifically how these techniques work - a robust and growing body of research continues to document their effectiveness.
Energy psychology is a mind-body approach. The next frontier of EP research involves exploring the mechanisms of action of these modalities and investigating concurrent physiological changes using such tools as qEEG and fMRI and PET scans, and documenting changes in cortisol levels, gene expression and immunological function (to date, research has shown these changes to be positive).
A recent article by David Feinstein reported,“….The review derives 6 premises about the method’s efficacy, speed, durability, and physiologic effects that have enough empirical support …. in delineating and making claims about the approach. These include that acupoint tapping protocols (a) are effective in treating a range of clinical conditions, (b) are rapid compared to conventional treatments, (c) lead to durable benefits, (d) produce changes in biologic markers that corroborate the subjective assessments of clients, (e) are a critical ingredient for the demonstrated clinical effects and (f) send signals that can increase or decrease arousal in specific areas of the brain."
“Further consideration of the mechanisms that lead to the reported rapid, durable outcomes suggest that the approach has an unusual capacity for revising outdated mental models….” Published in Advances in Mind Body Medicine, Spring 2021,35(2).
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“Six Empirically-Supported Premises About Energy Psychology: Mounting Evidence for a Controversial Therapy,” published Spring 2021 in the journal Advances.
“Energy psychology: Efficacy, speed, mechanisms,” published in 2019 in the journal Explore
Feinstein's original review article was published in November, 2012 in The Review of General Psychology, a peer-reviewed APA journal, and is still worth a read.
We’ve done our best to organize our research section to meet diverse needs. Many articles are listed in several sections. If you know of a study that you don’t see listed, please email John Freedom.
Research studies are categorized in order of increasing scientific rigor (or the hierarchy of evidence). They range from case studies to randomized controlled studies to meta-analyses.
These studies look at the effectiveness of energy psychology in treating different conditions such as trauma, addictions, stress, depression, anxiety, athletic performance, and more. Abstracts are included.
Studies of one individual in a clinical setting. They are formal reports using established pre and post intervention assessments.
Includes all energy psychology studies from 1990-2024, organized in reverse chronological order.
Over 50 clinical trials of energy psychology have been published in foreign language journals. These studies report encouraging outcomes on a wide range of issues. They have not been translated into English.
In this free 3-part master class that has been watched by over 38,000 people in 120 countries, ACEP's executive director Dr. Robert Schwarz takes you on journey into the science of energy healing so that you can feel more knowledgeable and confident as a practitioner. You'll learn how you can discuss the science with colleagues and referrals sources so that you can grow your practice.
18 CE/CME/CNE available
Learn the science from leaders in the field in this online course.
Faculty includes:
Bruce Lipton - Dean Radin - Gary Schwartz - Cassandra Vieten - Dan Siegel Rupert Sheldrake - Shamini Jain - David Feinstein - Dawson Church - William Bengston - Jim Oschman - Beverly Rubik
Study at your own pace with videos, audio files, transcripts and summaries.
Energy healing is closely related to energy psychology.
We need more research studies on the effectiveness of energy psychology, and you can help.
We are seeking energy psychology practitioners to conduct clinical case studies. Clinical case studies are a form of research that clinicians can conduct in the natural laboratory of their own offices. ACEP and Dr. Peta Stapleton have set up a web portal where practitioners and participants can log in, fill out informed consents, and complete assessments (pre, post and 3 month follow up) as they progress through the process of therapy. This simplifies data collection and analysis, as the website does all the work for you.
In this 45 minute video, TFT trainer and researcher Suzanne Connolly discusses seven steps to creating quality studies, as well as pitfalls to avoid. This video is a “must watch” for anyone creating a research study for the first time. This talk, titled "Research Matters Seven Steps to Creating High-Quality Studies," was the keynote in our 2022 Research Symposium.
Requirements and recommendations for energy psychology research studies.
Publishing guidelines for conducting tapping studies, by Peta Stapleton Download PDF
The research has come a long way in 20+ years, and we're proud of that. But there's so much more research needed. Like research on...
Since 2003, ACEP has provided over $70,000 for 13 different energy psychology research projects. Please help us support more research.
Please contact John Freedom, Chair, ACEP Research Committee
Your financial support will help ACEP expand the use of energy psychology.
The result? More healing.
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. All rights reserved.
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