Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
28 Garrett Ave. Suite 100
Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010 USA
ACEP Main Phone: 619-861-2237
ACEP EFT Questions: 484-380-2448
Skype: leslie.acep
Fax: 484-418-1019
Robert Schwarz, PsyD, DCEP, Executive Director
Leslie Primavera, Office Manager/Certification Coordinator
Phone: 619-861-2237
Cynthia Joba, Director, Outreach & Communications
Susan Carney, Admin Assistant/CE Coordinator
Phone: 484-380-2448
(by Lori Hops, PhD, DCEP) Do some of these statements from your clients sound familiar?
“I know this lifestyle isn’t good for me, but I can’t seem to change it”, or
“I get started on a new path with treatment, and then things just fall apart.”
It may be that treatment is working for a while but then stops, motivation for change decreases, or self-sabotage occurs.
What do you do when your clients face blocks to successful treatment, despite their (and your) best efforts?
Energy psychology has a unique way of addressing these problems, without the need to blame the client or the therapist, or using labels like “resistance to change” or “treatment failure”.
A psycho-energetic reversal (PR) is a subtle energetic condition in the human psyche and body. A car battery offers a good metaphor. PR’s can be thought of as similar to a reversal of the battery’s wiring. If the negative and positive wires are connected to the opposite poles of a battery, the battery won’t work properly. We are made up of electrical energy, and at times, our systems become scrambled, leading to reversals of what we want to create. We shut down instead of opening up; we become upset when we want to be peaceful; we can’t think straight when we need to solve difficult problems. The outcome of PR’s is attracting the opposite of what we want to achieve, often without awareness of how or why it is happening, or what to do to change.
Most impediments to treatment are connected to five common PR’s. They are linked to the survival instinct of perceived SAFETY, personal awareness of self or IDENTITY, accepting the right to receive and to be in existence through DESERVEDNESS, being open to new options of change through POSSIBILITY and WILLILNGNESS. When any one or more of these five principles are reversed, it becomes difficult to institute change.
Identifying the source of the PR is the first step to changing it. Statements or beliefs may include these notions:
If you know that your client has been able to change in the past, and does not need to acquire new skills, it may be time to identify likely PR’s that are getting in the way of their goals. Using energy psychology techniques to integrate new patterns of awareness, while bringing to mind the problem, allows new connections to be made. Once reversed polarities are realigned, additional learning and experiences can occur. Energy and consciousness are related to one another. When you change your energy pattern, you change your consciousness.
Not all situations are as straightforward as in the simple procedure just described. For instance, more than one PR may be operating, or it may be difficult to identify which aspect of a problem is causing the most disruption. If you want to know more about how to clear complex PR’s, and for more information about removing PR’s, access this free report.
Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD, DCEP is a licensed psychologist in Westlake Village, California, USA. Lori is president-elect of ACEP (, and Chair of ACEP’s Communications Committee. She is certified in Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Logosynthesis, and is a Reiki master. Learn more about Dr. Hops at You can visit her Facebook page for A Tip A Day for Wellness Program at
Cover photo by Caleb Angel on Unsplash
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