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ACEP - Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

A Theory of Intuition: Here, There and Everywhere

Lori Hops • January 4, 2024

Intuition, or knowing something without conscious reasoning, is a relatively common experience. The physical senses, and awareness of the body and mental states create a grounding for intuition. Despite how widespread it is, intuition has relatively little research. Most theories of intuition focus on the here and now. Recently, however, theorists Shapiro and Marks-Tarlow have developed a model of transpersonal intuition that ventures into past, present, future and outside of time. 

Until now, most intuition studies have focused on observable changes and objective measurements. Topics include human to human communication, accuracy of predictions, and sudden knowing of facts. Critics note that findings are relegated to the lab, and do not reflect real world variation and complexity. For instance, being able to accurately guess which card in a deck is likely to appear in a sequence has limited generalizability or interest. Research designs similar to this one lack an accounting of intuition’s influence across domains as broad as global consciousness, or as deep as inner reflection of truth.

A theory of intuition beyond here and now.

Most models of intuition focus on the intersection between the physical world and the internal experience of knowing. For example, gaining immediate access to facts that the conscious mind is unaware of, like knowing who is about to call you, or sudden insight into a vexing problem that was previously unsolved. The transpersonal model invites us to move beyond the here and now ordinary awareness in the sensory world, to include nonlocal awareness which transcends sensory process, beyond personal identity and bends laws of physics with information transfer (Shapiro, 2020; Shapiro and Marks-Tarlow, 2021).

This model proposes three overlapping systems of intuitive consciousness. Each part depends on the others. Though they retain their own unique characteristics, they cannot be separated. These are:

1. The analytic local system or intuitive consciousness identified in the here and now;

2. The experiential local system, which deals with personal experience through perception;

3. Extraordinary nonlocal system, the conscious communication that happens outside of ordinary time and space.


Mystical knowing goes beyond sensory data,

offering personal information without sensory sources.

Analytic local system

We use here and now knowing to explain intuitive experiences in the here and now analytic local system.  A previously forgotten piece of information suddenly reveals itself. This “aha” rush of intuition can solve a problem. Consequently, there is no need to look for explanations beyond the functioning of the brain and consciousness in ordinary reality. The three-dimensional world has the answers.

Analytic local intuition is commonly studied by researchers, for it is easy to test aspects of the explicit physical world, especially those that are observable by others. Analytical reasoning skills reveal how intuition works. The system includes symbols to describe abstract ways of knowing. If intuitive knowledge seems to defy natural laws, this system assumes that science and logic will catch up in time, to solve the mystery of the unknown.

Experiential local system

The experiential local system resides in the realm of the internal world. We tend to register self-awareness with moment-to-moment variation in our bodies and minds. This inner world is unique to each person.  It is unknowable to others, and can take on a rich and varied landscape of nuanced experience. It is the world of implicit knowing, with intuitive messages delivered as a whole. Two examples are immersion in creative expression, and so called “flow states”. Flow states occur when pleasant tasks are captivating. We tend to lose track of time and self-awareness.

There is no distinction between internal and external awareness, for all aspects blend for the experiencer. Intuition may come in flashes of insight, dream messages, or even downloads of wisdom carried with a unique signature of compelling presence. Unlocking the mysteries of knowing in the experiential world are often unclear and layered, shifting with time and context. One may say the intuitive knowledge is certain, but are unable to identify why this so, or how the process works. Intuition may have an authority of authenticity and truth, without the need for evidence of logic or reason. Sensory awareness in the current time and space are features of both the analytic and experiential systems.

Extraordinary nonlocal system

The system of extraordinary nonlocal consciousness breaks free from here and now boundaries, body, and physical senses. Information travels without regard to concepts of past, future, or present, residing within and/or outside of time and space. Though the physical body can register nonlocally sourced information, it may not. Intuitive consciousness also communicates inter dimensionally. Ideas arrive “before” they are created, thoughts directly affect physical reality at a distance, yet in observable ways. Minds can meld without regard to physical or temporal boundaries.

The laws of ordinary physics are irrelevant here. Intuition is illogical yet real. Mystical, shamanic, and trance communication carries intuitive messaging. The “clairs” sensory systems infused with intuitive knowledge, such as clairvoyance (clear seeing) or clairsentience (clear feeling) infuse layers of reality. Intuition can instantly and at a distance modify and connect brains, bodies, objects, environments, systems, and concepts. This is the realm of distant healing, telepathic communication, and inter dimensional exchanges.

All together now

The three-part theory of intuition, including transpersonal communication invites all layers to be present in their own rhythm. The physical and logical world may be prominent then disappear in favor of the elusive or subtle world. They may coordinate, or work independently. Ideas and awareness may pop in and out of being, like a kaleidoscope of overlapping images, shapes, and colors. And the human’s fanciful awareness springs from knowing, feeling, and working in subtle realms.

Imagine this. In a tangled web, one person can suddenly remember a forgotten passage from a poem, which upon reflection has personal and useful meaning. It answers a nagging question, and offers personal direction, reassurance, and gratitude. Telling their partner about the poem, the listener recounts a “weird dream” they had the night before. People were reciting the words to that same poem. The poem appears twice in a day to two different people. And again, the poem makes a third showing.

Just as the people are sharing their poem stories, they hear a loud bang, as a book suddenly falls from a nearby shelf. The book falls opened to a page containing the poem, much to the amazement of all. Here, there, and everywhere we find threads of intuition, tying together mysterious pieces of experience for us to interpret. Intuition echoes its messages through the world. What are the odds?

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Lori Hops has written articles in past issues of Energy Magazine, including Intuition: Your Still Small Voice. You can read more of Lori’s blogs here. Tune into Lori’s podcast to explore all things related to intuition (also on Spotify and YouTube). Join an online class to grow your skills to embody intuition for greater clarity, creativity, and personal discernment at


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